713-331-5538 info@hcfvl.com

The Pursuit of Wellness: 10 Ways to Practice Self-Care

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and, for many, it can feel like a whirlwind. Balancing responsibilities from your work, family, and social life can be exhausting and cause anxiety – the holiday fatigue is real. Practicing self-care, as cliche as it...
Mental Health & Magnesium

Mental Health & Magnesium

So you’ve come to therapy because you’re having problems coping with depression, anxiety, or even insomnia. In the therapy office, we often talk about how you can respond to emotional distress through thinking exercises, breathing, meditation, and behavioral changes....

Snowpocolypse Brain: Take These Steps to Recover

This past week – the Houston Snowpocolypse / Snowmageddon  – knocked a lot of us off our feet, for a variety of reasons. Many of us spent days without power and water. Cell towers were down, disrupting our ability to make phone calls, receive text...
5 Real Strategies to Improve your Self-Care

5 Real Strategies to Improve your Self-Care

As a therapist I often find myself suggesting that clients take time to invest in themselves by engaging in self-care. Not surprisingly, they often agree that they need to do something and often lift their brow at the term “self-care.” For as often as I hear this...
The Christmas Card Effect

The Christmas Card Effect

Do you compare yourself to others? Years past I remember getting Christmas cards in the mail and looking at pictures of people in their Christmas photos. This was probably when I was young and newly married. I remember being amazed at how people were able to make...

Finding Meaning After Trauma

I would like to start this blog post with one statement. However you are reacting to this recent tragedy, whatever you’re thinking or feeling, is completely normal. There is not a right way to feel or think.     It is with a heavy heart that I even have to write this...